The Little Mermaid

10 Oct - 10am


International Category Screening

10 Oct - 1pm


Acabo de tener un sueño - dir.  Javier Navarro Montero
Full Tilt - dir.  Magill Foote
Dusk - dir.  Sarah Jayne
Despierta mi bien, despierta - dir.  Daniel Millán
En Kvinde Køber Ind - dir.  Sune Kofod Maglegaard
Geschützter Raum - dir Zora Rux
Barty Carty - dir.  John McGovern
Evil Mexican Child - dir.  Michael Noonan
Fairy Knowledge - dir.  Chris Wyatt
The Face Of A Soul - dir.  Denise Dacquì
Two By Two - dir.  Ruby Drake
Hybris - dir.  Arjan Brentjes
The Follower - dir.  Christian Wenger
Flightophobia - dir.  Alon Newman

Animation Category Screening

10 Oct - 3:15pm


The best animated short films (all under 15 minutes).  You can participate in the audience choice vote in this screening and vote for your favourite film.  Some films may not be suitable for all audiences

Tickets £1.50

Butterfly Hunter - dir.  Min-Yu Chen
Za Edgara - dir.  Ewa Luczkow
Tokyo Cosmo - dir.  Takahiro Miyauchi
Fox Tale - dir.  Doosun Shin
Xiao Tao - dir.  Manning Liu
Ocule - dir.  Kristin Ruff-Frederickson
Cuerdas - dir.  Pedro Solís García
Haiku 7: Pulse - dir.  Lyle Pisio
Dead Man's Trade - dir.  Merlyn Lear

Under 18 Category Screening

10 Oct - 4:30pm


All films screened here have been made by filmmakers under 18 years of age this category is designed to show off the talents of very young filmmakers.  These are the best of the short (all under 15 minutes) films by filmmakers under 18yrs.  You can participate in the audience choice vote in this screening and vote for your favourite film.  Some films may not be suitable for all audiences

Tickets £1.50

The Haunted Orphanage - dir.  Alex Shaw
Keep It Clean - dir.  Evan Sennett
The Blowout - dir.  Corey Hodkin
Visco Fuse - dir.  Max Tobin
Going Under - dir.  Antonis Kassiotis
The Cloud - dir.  Eren Kaplan
Don't Look Back - dir.  Simran Shokar
True Colours - dir.  Eren Kaplan

Music Video Category Screening

10 Oct - 5:45pm


The best of the music videos sent to the film festival from all over the world.  You can participate in the audience choice vote in this screening and vote for your favourite film.  Some films may not be suitable for all audiences

Tickets £1.50

Ten Dollar Cocktails - dir.  Bruno Derekson
Hang With The Happiness - dir.  James Kavanagh
Standstill - dir.  James Kavanagh
Total Animal III - dir.  Tristan Guerlotté
Slammer - dir.  Benjamin Cowie and Alan Cameron
Illuminate - dir.  Christopher Henry Axworthy
Golden Leaves - dir.  Livia Alcalde
Floating - dir.  Xaime Miranda Méndez
The Boudoir - dir.  David Latreille
Gardens Road - dir.  Olga Osorio & Juan Galiñanes
We All Go The Same - dir.  Morgana McKenzie
The Void - dir.  Stephen Patrick Allen

Royal Opera House - A Sense Of Change

10 Oct - 6:45pm


The winners of A Sense Of Change filmmaking competition run by the Royal Opera House earlier this year.

Tickets £1.50


10 Oct - 8pm


In deep space, the crew of the commercial starship Nostromo is awakened from their cryo-sleep capsules halfway through their journey home to investigate a distress call from an alien vessel.  The terror begins when the crew encounters a nest of eggs inside the alien ship.  An organism from inside an egg leaps out and attaches itself to one of the crew, causing him to fall into a coma but the crews nightmare is just beginning.

(This film is a certificate 15, no one under 15 years of age will be admitted.  ID may be required.)

Tickets: £3.

Documentary Category Screening

11 Oct - 10:30am


The best documentary films sent to the film festival from all over the world.  You can participate in the audience choice vote in this screening and vote for your favourite film.  Some films may not be suitable for all audiences

Tickets £1.50

Tickle The Ivories - dir.  Glenn Hanstock
Shir Madness - dir.  Emily Murray, Aisling Ni Chulain, Marie Lecoq & Thereses Molloy
Handmade Paper Font - dir.  Ebru Özbakır
Dear Riley - dir.  Charley Flecther
The Parade - dir.  Bruce H.  Gill
Maputo Meets Prague - dir.  Matias Revez
Believe - dir.  Cara Hagan
Barbican - dir.  Joe Gilbert

Student Category Screening

11 Oct - 11:45am


The best short films from filmmakers in full time education.  You can participate in the audience choice vote in this screening and vote for your favourite film.  Some films may not be suitable for all audiences

Tickets £1.50

Walter and Goose - dir.  Callum Scott-Dyson
Sea Side - dir.  Sebastian Cox
Delicacy - dir.  Helen Curran
Will - dir.  L'Emir Mohamad Chehab
A Reflected Future - dir.  Sam Goodfellow
Synthetica - dir.  Alex Falconer
Derek vs Derek - dir.  Sebastian Barner-Rasmussen
Nuisance - dir.  Fahdi Kanavati
Don't Touch Me - dir.  Edward Smith
Parallel House - dir.  Lexx Oliver
The Landlady Must Die - dir.  Ernesto Anaya Adalid
Run Far, Stay Close - dir.  Mel Lou
Sebastian and Them - dir.  Benjamin Bee

Fiction Category Screening

11 Oct - 2pm


The best of the fiction films sent to the film festival.  You can participate in the audience choice vote in this screening and vote for your favourite film.  Some films may not be suitable for all audiences

Tickets £1.50

Stockholm - dir.  Aaron Weight
Meatchute - dir.  Tom Shennan
Cinnamon - dir.  Shahid Kamal
Corinthian - dir.  Mark A.  C.  Brown and Frederic Fournier
Bus Stop - dir.  Jamie Sims
Mirror #1 - dir.  WW Jones & Luke Skinner
Bastion - dir.  Ray Jacobs
Benchmarks - dir.  Bradley Yellop
Eva's Legacy - dir.  Simon J Frith
Cowboy Ben - dir.  Jon Shaikh & Scott Rawsthorne
Love The One You're With - dir.  Paul Martin
Capture - dir.  Liam Treacy
Maybe - dir.  John Grey


11 Oct - 4pm


Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart), who owns a nightclub in Casablanca, discovers his old flame Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) is in town with her husband, Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid).  Laszlo is a famed rebel, and with Germans on his tail, Ilsa knows Rick can help them get out of the country.

This screening includes FREE TEA, COFFEE & BISCUITS to all audience members.

(This film is a U certificate, it should be universally suitable for everyone over 4 years of age.  Parents bring their children at their own discretion.)

Tickets £3